A highly effective, yet simple solution to your expenses as a barrister.
Stop underclaiming
Barristers estimate that they underclaim expenses by several hundred pounds a year simply by failing to get round to recording them properly. For the same reason it is common to spend hours of frustrating billable time completing your tax return in time for the due date.
Update your expenses from home, chambers, even your phone so you don't forget that taxi ride, train ticket or insurance bill.

Save hours of billable time
Save hours on your tax return. Your daily, weekly or monthly expenses can be recorded in seconds and at the end of the year you can download all your expenses.
Keep a record of all your purchases, bills and travel costs in one convenient place. VAT is calculated automatically for VAT liable items.
Get a spreadsheet or word document report of your expenses in one click. You can also get a report of all VAT liable purchases for any date range to help with your VAT return.
Don't forget your CPD requirements
Keep track of your CPD points and see at a glance how many you have done and how many remain.
The Bar Council’s new plan for CPD will make each barrister responsible for recording their own CPD points (with an increased requirement of 24 hours per year) - don’t get caught out!

Recurring expenses
You can make any item recurring with reminders when you choose. So your phone, fax, or electricity bills won't get forgotten.
Any item can have a reminder, and you can have automatic monthly, weekly checks to keep on top of your expenses.
Works to your needs
Customised to your requirements - home office or no office, insurance bills, season tickets all simply taken care of. Add your car or bike, and record all your miles. Create your own categories of items if needed. If you spend more than 15 minutes a year preparing your expenses, you'll save time and money with barristertax.
Free trial
Click here to request a free trial.
Barristertax is £50 p.a. per user. If you cancel you can request a copy of all your data which we will be happy to provide.